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Safety, distinguishable purity and the right strength are the basis of every Omega-3 product made by Golden Omega. To guarantee consistent quality of all of our products we support on standards like:

  • SERNAPESCA Quality Assurance Programme based on the Chilean Regulation about Food Safety and Certification Manual Res 5125/2016. The safety factor of this regulation is based on HACCP and it is harmonized with the European Union food regulations.
  • HARPC system according to the US FDA´s 21 CFR 117 Current Good Manufacturing Practice, Hazard Analysis, and Risk-Based Preventive Controls for Human Food.
  • At Golden Omega all manufacturing follows the cGMP principles described in the WHO/FAO Codex Alimentarius and US FDA Dietary Supplements and Human Food Current Good Manufacturing Practices, 21 CFR 111 and 21 CFR117 regulations respectively, which have been successfully inspected by US FDA in February 2019.